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"What? Where? When?" in Zemo Nikozi

On April 20, within the frames of the project "Building Bridges between Youth", IDP Women's Association "Consent" held an intellectual game: "What? Where? When?". The topic was "The Culture and Traditions of South Caucasus Countries and the U.S.A.".

In the game high school students of Gori Municipality villages took part. In total 6: Zemo Nikozi, Shindisi, Pkhvenisi, Variani, Kelktseuli and Akhaldaba public schools. In the semi-finals 6 teams played; to the finals three teams were nominated – from Akhaldaba, Zemo Nikozi and Kelkseuli public schools. The game ended with the victory of host School, Zemo Nikozi. They earned 10 points, Kelktsuli school team earned 8 points and Akhaldaba school team 7. All teams were awarded with the certificate of participation and to the finalists were awarded with the medals and prizes.

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